Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Liebster blog award

                                     I am so thrilled and very honoured to be awarded this
                                            I was awarded this by the lovely Wendy
Thank you so much for thinking of me and nominating me for the award
       I would also like to thank Tina who also nominated me

The idea of the Liebster Blog Award is to spread the love from one small blog (under 200 followers) to other small blogs. This helps to spread knowledge and readership.

To accept the award, you must:

                            1) Link back to the person who gave it and thank them for thinking of you.

                                                                2)  Post the award on your blog .

              3) Give to five bloggers who you appreciate and value

    4) Leave a comment on the blogs of the five people you have choosen to let them know

  "Liebster" in German means "dearest", so to carry on the Liebster tradition, I am going to pass the
          award onto 5 people who's blogs have been an inspiration to me and my crafting.
 there are so many wonderful small blogs that have inspired me,
It has been very difficult to chose only 5.
But, here are 5 wonderful and inspiring blogs/ bloggers that I would love to pass the Liebster Blog award on to (in no particular order).

Sharon ~ forget me not
      Susan ~ My Little Sanctuary
 Crafty Nanny ~Nanny Jacks card blog
Debs ~ debsdoescrafts
Wendy ~ (spanish crafter)

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Little Bear

Good morning everyone,   phew what a week  well i managed to get the wedding invitations finished all 150 of them and the couple "love "them which is the main thing  ,i have now started to make more invitations this time for our pearl wedding anniversary party which is in April i only have about 35 of them to make by the weekend !!!!
anyway on to my card for today
this is a card my Son decided he  needed there and then  (bad timing with invitations going on ) for a girl who's birthday it was that day,
so it was very quick and simple with not much to it  "well what does he expect" ha ha


Stamp by ~ Debbie Moore
Pro Marker Pens
Backing papers ~ Polka Doodles Cd
Distress inks ~ Antique linen & Brushed corduroy
Ribbon ,Flower and pearls ~ from stash
Birthday greeting from stash    


                                    Thank you for your visit today and all your lovely comments
                                                                              Hugs Lorna xx

      I would like to enter this card into the following challenge

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Love Hearts

Hello my crafty friends hope you are all well , thank goodness the snow has gone it lasted a week in our back garden, lets hope that we don't get anymore
firstly i must apologise for not visiting your blogs and looking at your lovely cards  and creations over the past week,but i have been so busy making wedding invitations and cards that people have asked me to make for them i just don't seem to have had time to do anything but i promise i will catch up this week

My card today
I was asked to make this card by a friend to give to his partner for Valentine's day 

Oh dear i am still having trouble getting the hair colouring right


LOTV stamp ~ Coloured with Promarkers
Backing Papers with hearts ~ Forever friends Cd
Layering Die's ~ Go kreate
Nestie's Die's ~ Hearts
Roses from ~ wild Orchid Crafts
Pearls & Ribbon ~ from stash
Sentiment ~ Done on the computer

                                 Thank you for your visit today and for all your lovely comments
                                                i really do appreciate each & everyone

                                                                         Hugs Lorna xx

                                     I would like to enter this card into the following challenges
                                                 I love Promarker's ~ " love is in the air "
                                                    Diva's by Design ~ " love is in the air"
                                                         Joanna Sheen ~ " love is the air"
                                     Dream Valley Challenges ~ " Valentine's "
                                              My Mums craft shop ~ "love is in the air"
                                              Ditzy crzftymess         ~ " Anything goes "